Dear Parents/Guardians, 8-20-18
First of all, I want to thank you for trusting me with your child’s learning this year. We have
been working on procedures and expectations for 4th graders. Please encourage your child
to continue to show respect and make good choices so that they can exceed their potential.
There are a few things with which I need your help.
return as soon as possible. Many of you have done this, but I still have several missing.
acceptable; however, I have 24 students right now, so I ask that all be included in the count.
I know that is a lot of treats, so mini-cupcakes, cookies, fruit snacks, pixie stix, etc. are a great
way to include everyone without too much expense involved.
Some of our students are reading at a high level. This means that in order for them to read
on a level that keeps them challenged, they might read books of a diverse maturity level. We
share a bookroom with the middle school students, so some books are meant for the upper
grades. With that being said, teachers have no way of reading all of the books that come
through our students hands. I will do my best to choose appropriate books, but I really need
your help. Please peruse the book they bring home and make sure it is acceptable reading
material for your child.
have loved this form of communication. It’s short messages to your phone that we will send
to remind you about things such as: field trips, permission slips, red ribbon week, weather, etc.
It’s a great way to communicate how your child is doing or about an upcoming assessment.
Text the message @hgh4a2 to the number 81010.
Thank you!
Mrs. Maher